Pycharm plugins
Pycharm plugins

pycharm plugins

Lately, the editor is plagued not only with delays in syntax highlighting, but also complete lock-ups (keyboard unresponsive in editor panes), requiring the IDE to be restarted. Things have evidently got much worse since that study was made. Given that six years has passed, those results are irrelevant to today's shipping versions.

pycharm plugins

These "benchmarks" are from six years ago in 2015 (which is more than you say "a few years ago") by a JetBrains employee, shilling his own work at the company, on his own blog. In adjusting all of these settings, YMMV depending on your system.

pycharm plugins

The option -illegal-access=permit is required on JDK 16, but this option was removed in JDK 17, and because of this (but probably not only this) I haven't yet been able to make any JetBrains IDE work with JDK 17. I have not yet experimented with different values for those parameters. I'm using these options on Debian/unstable on all JetBrains IDEs, with both JDK 15 and JDK 16.Īdding -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize= and -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB= made all the difference in keeping heap usage down. In all cases, features using the JCEF runtime library, which is bundled with the JBR, will not be available. All the other JetBrains IDEs work with JDK 16. IDEA and CLion won't start with JDK 16 or later, so I'm using JDK 15 for those. It would be, were JetBrains IDEs currently compatible with the latest JDK, but they are not, so it's not quite as simple as that, unfortunately.

Pycharm plugins